MENTHA PIPERITA - plant generic
  • MENTHA PIPERITA - plant generic
  • MINT MENTHA P. - the meaning

MINT MENTHA P. - the meaning


The fragrant plant of the mint evokes the deepest of emotions.

The plant to be used in the kitchen, in the floral compositions, for a tea or as a decorative.

(taken from the book of Alfredo Cattabiani "Florario - myths, legends and symbols of plants and flowers". It is a book to buy read consult ! )


According to a tópos mythological widespread in the Greek tradition, the mint would be born from the "sacrifice" of a nymph.

It was called Mintha and lived in the underground kingdom of Hades, her lover.

When the ruler of the Underworld led Persephone to make the wedding legitimate, the nymph abandoned she began to scream profanely threats
that aroused the anger of Demeter or, according to another version of the myth of Persephone.

Mintha claimed to be more beautiful rival; he said that he would have regained the augustus lover and kicked out of Persephone from the palace of Hades.

But he did not have time to act out his threats: Persephone the dismembered, while Ade the accord to become a plant, scented, named minthe or hedyosmos, "good smell".

According to another version it was the same as Demeter, an angry mob pulse under sandals down into the dust from which Mintha resources like grass "insignificant".


The naturalists of the renaissance was instead a panacea.

Is worth to quote the whole of this passage of the During:

"The juice you drank with vinegar, it stagnates the blood, handle the nausea in the stomach, kill the worms round and stimula venus. Drunk the three branches of the mint with the juice of pomegranates strong raffrenano the hiccups, vomiting and cholera. It is universally mint, grateful to the stomach: and the usasi in many ways in the seasonings. Excites venus and comforts the members. The smell corroborates the brain and memory. The water bled from the whole plant is drunk to the weight of four ounces stagnates securamente the flow of blood from the nose, and promotes the forces of venereal and doing all the effects that the mint the same. Distillasi this water from the leaves, and cut stems minutely drunk to the weight of three ounces in the morning and evening strengthens the stomach, helps to cocottione, opens the opilationi of the liver and spleen, and pathways of urine, is good for the appetite, stops hiccup, and vomiting as much grip on the inside as applied outside. Washing with it the mouth, is beneficial to the gums and makes good breath".


The symbolism of a positive grass ctonia linked to an epiphany of the Great Mother - the nymph Mintha - has existed in Rome since antiquity, in spite of the prohibitions greeks, we can deduce from the fact that the Mentha rotundifolia and Mentha viridis were entwined in the Corona Veneris, which is placed on the head of the newly-weds to wish them a good marriage.

It is probably a remnant of that ceremony, the custom of abruzzo, according to which until a few decades ago the young lovers if they gave the bouquets to promise each other not to forget never to one another.



As any St. John's wort also has the property, if spread to land, to put to flight the serpents.

If they eat the leaves and drank the infusion, heal from their poison.

Sanerebbe from hydrophobia if it is mingled with salt, and would even be a remedy for deafness.

In the countryside, where television advertising has not been completely dull the minds of the inhabitants, you use spread it on the floor of the house before a prolonged absence because of his scent, in addition to eliminating the smell of stale, hunting insects.

But beyond all these beliefs, what are the real virtues of the mint? The various species of the plant - among the most popular are the Mentha viridis, or pennyroyal, the Mentha pulegium, or pennyroyal, and Mentha piperita, which have more or less the same quality medicines - contain, in addition to other substances, an essential oil rich in menthol, which has properties excito-drug, high-dose, while those
therapeutic combats nausea, emesis and has a mild analgesic action.

The plant has an action of spasmolytic gastrointestinal tract, tonic-eupeptica, antiseptic of the oral cavity and anti-bacterial.

Care also headaches, neuralgia, herpes simplex and zoster.

To obtain an easing of the pain from toothaches, migraines, and neuralgia, it is recommended that you apply of the leaves on the front, back or frizionarla with the essential oil.

In the country is used, still today, against insect bites: rub on the skin its leaves that act as an analgesic and antiseptic.

It was used also as a vermifuge for children, and as a prophylactic in times of epidemic colerica.

Once you are protected from mice and other ill grains and foods that are jam-packed in warehouses, putting twigs and leaves around or inside the bags.

In medicine we use the so-called "trial of the mint", which consists in introducing the essence of mint in the cable pleural to verify whether or not there is a perforation of the lung.

In the positive case it warns you, when the sick person breathes in, a strong scent of mint.

In North Africa to combat the exhaustion due to the heat, prepare the mint tea, putting a mazzettino of fresh leaves in the beverage hot.

In the past it was a widespread belief that it was useful to strengthen memory, so it was argued, erroneously, that the word to be derived from mens, the mind.

Also called "grass, " San Lorenzo", is one of the most popular among those of St. John, and one of its species, the wild mint, is used to prepare the typical dish of the evening, the snails. His scent finally, it is suited to those born in the third decade of Gemini.



The mint, which grows in the most humble, has been the emblem of Sobriety and Temperance; and, thanks to its aroma and many beneficial properties that of Wisdom; in the language of flowers, the Warmth and Strength of Feeling. The piperita has also evoked the Merit and Virtue.

Since the mint or Mentha pulegium has the power to regrow lush even in winter, and to flourish even when it is severed, has suggested to the iconologi and araldisti some enterprises with the following written: "Cut off floret", cut blooms, and "Hieme floret", blooms in the winter, to symbolize the Virtues which, pursued, does not die but is reborn; "Dum hiemat winter", spring in winter, alluding to the woman who is cool and handsome even in his maturity advanced; "Dum cetera languent", while other things languish, to indicate the Virtues of the solitary, which does not care about what happens around it; "Adverso tempore", in adverse weather, to symbolize the Love perfect, just relle adversity, it shows balance and thriving.


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