Clivia residence was ILLUMINATED in - plant generic
  • Clivia residence was ILLUMINATED in - plant generic

Clivia residence ILLUMINATED - info

If you go in the tropical forests of South Africa you will find the natural habitat of this beautiful plant, where it can form of the real carpets of vegetation.

Imagine the beauty of a field full of flowers, all of this plant!

And' arrived in Europe sometime about 1828.

Seasonal product: see below TAB
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You know that the plant you just bought in the store has as least 2 years?

Do you know that can last more than twenty-two years?

If you will treat well, over the years, will continue to flourish, at times it can miss someone, but don't worry, the next year, will get your certainly.

Today, the clivia residence is available in both yellow and red, while in the beginning it was only available in orange.

The plant is a good choice because it needs little care and then for those who have little time to devote to.

If you want to have it developed trapiantat one or more plants in a larger pot.

Your clivia residence will keep you company for a long time.

Data sheet

A lot of light. No direct sun.
Recommended temperature
Greater than 15 °C
Wait until the earth is dry. To check, scratch and feel with your fingers well below the surface of the soil. Immerse the plant pot in a container with water, for 1/5 of its height for 3 minutes.
Flowering season
March April
Season of Availability on the market - in Bloom with forced cultivation
January February March April
John Lindley in 1828 by classifying this plant was dedicated to lady Charlotte Florentine Clive, duchess of Northumberland.
South Africa